This is a script which load moves from replays and with which you can replay turn per turn a saved replay in a game. You can also generate random moves.
And some other functions like save and load moves with a specific file.

Maybe the next version of this script would be able to use a favorite option menu to be able to add favorites moves into a specific file. or even to combine them into one move which would be load with corresponding turn.

"What is this?" it's an useful/not useful toribash script.... As i wrote in the first post of this thread i've seen a script MoveMemory.lua which was able to save moves... then i thought that could be a good idea to extract moves from replay to be able to use them in multi player ... so here I'm with the RRMoves.lua script and the ability to use replay to replay and replay and one day be bored of replaying replay.............

If you feel newbie search on google some methods.

but i just have right clicked and have created a new shortcut to the folder in Linux but it is named a link under linux while its named a shortcut in windows and it should be enough to do this but then if it is still not working then you can make a symbolic link.

try it and toribash/replays and toribash/data/scripts/rpl are both path to the folder respectively replays and rpl (the link/shortcut) and you'll find them under :>> search for "Toribash in C:/ and start from there."

but else here is the web link to symbolic link a folder under linux or windows!

have a nice linking............
Last edited by DisD; Nov 17, 2014 at 02:39 AM.