I was 18 years old and had a major breakup.

The first time I ever smoked was with of my friends. They told me they the boys were going to be drinking and smoking and asked if I was going to be cool with it. I told them yeah there wasn't a problem with it because my whole family openly smoked. Growing up I had some moral issues with drugs, my family had lots of disputes and divorces because of their recklessness during intoxication. So I was in a full mindset from the age 14 to 18 of "straight edge".

During our hangout my friends and I were playing smash bros. This is a game I've gone to tournaments and played competitively all my teenage years so I was significantly better. At one point one of my friends was getting frustrated and so he said "whoever loses all 3 stocks first rips the volcano". Not knowing what this "Volcano" was I knew it was weed. Now I'm 18 years old and the cockiest one in the room so I don't vocalize any sort of defiance because I intended to win the 4 way game like 80% of the other ones we played through the night.

The game started and EVERYONE focuses me. They've done this before but this was some evo duos combo level attacks with 2 projectile characters and the 2nd best player rushing me. I get absolutely gobbsmacked in that one game unlike any of the others. Once the game finished everyone was cracking up and telling me I had to smoke, the one friend who invited me began telling everyone no that I don't smoke. Now this might have seemed like a peer pressure situation but mind you I was 18 and had a very rough breakup so I yelled out "Fine fuck it!". My one friend got worried, yet everyone else was getting excited and packed it for me.

It was called the "Volcano" I realized because it was wider than any normal bong I've ever had after this event, still to this day the largest one I've seen. My group guided me and helped me do it without killing myself and that first rip was absolutely dreadful, threw me on my ass. I was dying there coughing tears rolling down my eyes and they helped me up and sat me on the couch. But despite the absolutely dreadful first rip of my life the effect gave me such calm and enjoyment. I played continuously though the night and ended up playing faster and more crazier in that state of mind.

That was the night I awaken my mangekyou sharingan