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Thread: [Community] Community Outreach
Originally Posted by Link View Post
For one, when sassy and I were hosting OFL 2 (Orc Force League second season), it was hard to get ES support or something was an issue from what I remember back then. It had to do with technicalities. Making clans has become ten times easier, posting on the forums without crazy rules has become ten times easier, however, our new platforms like discord are not being utilized enough especially since this game is HEAVILY reliant on staff participation. I feel like discord is widely ignored and used a lot more as a support platform than a community platform. We’re stuck in like 2010. TAs and ES members should be encouraged to try and engage in there imo.

I also find that there is a huge grudge match in online communities that can go in for years. IG: I got banned from a rocket league discord 4 years ago for having a similar name to someone who made a terrorist joke, and all my attempts to get unbanned were futile. I feel like toribash does this particularly well tbh, but I know it still exists here. I’ve made my mistakes, been trying to do good for a long time now, but I digress lol.

Competition: Where is it? Toribash used to be extremely competitive and I really don’t see why it’s a huge issue right now to enable that competition. Like, I’m not tracking any community support or engagement for big events anymore. I tried to do something with the OFL, but other examples, like adamantium head phones vs shutter shades and the whatever submarine got people going hard. I miss these things. I can leave for a year straight and feel like I’m not missing out on anything. That may be a me problem, idk

Hopefully nothing here is too incoherant. Ty for reading

i definitely feel your sentiment when you say you can leave the game for a year and feel like you're not missing anything. i hope this will change as we get the survey results and make new events. such fun arguments as you've described could only work when the community is bigger i believe, and that also works for the people saying that staff suck etc. as we are a wayyyy smaller community than most, and every staff member is a volunteer, grudges are held onto easier. like i said in my post last night, staff have definitely become better.
we have the same amount of active people that don't leave the game that it's hard to pick new members.

about ofc force league: i've only found out that an event like this happened just today, and looking at the 45 wins someone had throughout the duration of this event, it seems like everyone enjoyed it. it's definitely a fun idea. i'm not sure what ES's stance was back then regarding sponsoring for events, and i'll repeat what i said yesterday, if you have any event ideas or any fun ideas in general, please don't hesitate to DM any ES with your idea. i'd love to work with the community on events and make exactly what they want.

EDIT: i was interested so i asked Lillian who was staff at the time, it seems that the community is not aware they can ask ES for anything in regards to events. Lillian said they had to approach you two and ask if y'all wanted an item. if you're running an event and you want a custom item, or need help from experienced people or a forum header, TC, you should message ES before hosting an event.

Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
2) Enjoyability
To make the game more enjoyable, I highly suggest having a ranked season and battle pass.

If you look at games such as "League of Legends" you'll see that they update the patch every two weeks. You can do this by starting out with normal abd, lenshu, and tk then every week, you could "buff" or "nerf" things. For example, decreasing the dojo size in lenshu to nerf running, or increasing the dojo size in abd to nerf lifters.

i've heard people complaining about the UI before, this is something that i would have to talk to the developers about because i think(?) making a new ui would take a lot of work. earlier i discussed perhaps making a short tutorial that teaches you how to use the interface, i will look into this if it's the only option we have, our devs are very busy with TBN right now.

about ranked season: currently we are working on a 3D item set for the next ranked season. i would say the next ranked season is a month~ away.
about battlepass: there have been ideas but we haven't talked about this much. would you have anything to recommend?

about patches: did you read my part about lesduncan in the OP? that's something that i've been thinking about, removing the pad in the middle and removing dq timeout outside the dojo and seeing if that sticks. lower the engage distance to 90-95(it's 100 on TPL and 80 on ABD) that slight change makes most drop down lift openers useless and players would need to look for new metas/openers. giving small adjustments to mods every now and then would be fine, however i'm not sure how our small community would handle it and i'd rather avoid the few people that still play competitively leaving. do you have any ideas?

Originally Posted by Rizle View Post
First of all admins have to(!) remove all banhammers from all stuff and give the powers only to someone who can use it using a brain! Spam - ban, annoying - ban, seems(!) player goes with scam - ban. Ban ban ban. Wtf? If the player get a ban he leaves the game forever! I don't think that all staff members need a banhammer!!!

this is a bit of a silly post but i'll bite nevertheless, what would you recommend we do to people that break the rules? we don't randomly pick users and decide to ban them. everyone that gets banned does something, in most cases ban cases, serious. right now, TA(the staff group that handle reports) are all excellent staff members and i've never encountered any unjust bans in my year of being TA. i would argue that toribash is way more lenient than most games with their bans. if anyone else wants to chime in they're welcome and we can have a discussion about moderation.
seems(!) player goes with scam - ban. Ban ban ban. Wtf?

are you suggesting that we let players off with duel scamming?

Originally Posted by Loona View Post
Hello, I believe that one way we can improve the overall player engagement levels within the game is to implement the old ranking systems. I've brought up this topic before, and it seemed to be quite well received by the community (although the sample size is small).

I went more in-depth on why I believe the addition of the old ranking system is a good idea here:

i've just read through the thread and i have to say that i do agree with you. however, while we are working on the new ranking season, what would you want us to do? do you want the rooms now if possible, or do you want to wait until the new season is out?
if everything would go according to my plans, the seasons would run one after the other, the same way it does for every game. the reason it wasn't done like that before was because sir had to work on other things, and ES never bothered to make any new seasons and item forgers didn't have anything to create that would live up to the last ranked rewards, like the demon tori and diamond tori. the new item being made right now looks pretty good so far and i'm happy with it's progress.

if i missed anything in all my replies, please let me know. thank you to everyone who posted!
Last edited by ancient; Feb 3, 2022 at 07:24 PM.
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