Originally Posted by GHOSTFACEKILLAH View Post
are you trolling holo? you said exaclty what i said except ur wrong about the amount of frames it takes to dq because there's no way it takes 1 whole turnframe to dq in lenshu.

try it try it right now i want all of you to literally dq yourself in lenshu and see if you can stay in contact with the ground for more than 5 frames in a row dude it's literally impossible

the timer resets if ur fast enough but i promise you its 5 frames and not something ridiculous like 20 frames thats nearly an entire turn bro

i'm literally correct, don't test me lmao

fps has nothing, and i mean nothing, to do with the dqtimeout

you're clearly looking too far into it from poor gameplay because 5 frames is not enough frames to dq you in one turn (see: 30 frames does not equal 5 frames)