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I discovered Toribash in this way:

I play online games all time. On my iPhone, i play Clash Of Clans and Kingdom Clash. I play Ninja Warz, Ninja Saga on Facebook. Even Asphalt 7 and 8 on Online multiplayer. After months and years of going like this, i started to bore of the games. At that time, my friend showed me Minecraft. But i couldn't buy the real one because i dont have a Paypal since i'm only 13. I have the cracked one only. I was desperate for online games. 5 days ago, when the Clash of Clans on my phone would not load no matter what, I told my friend to show me some more online games. He told me that he's been playing Toribash without letting anyone know because he said that everyone told him Toribash was poop with just ragdolls fighting in an open arena. I decided to try it out because i was desperate for an online game. When i actually opened it, i found out that it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. I like how you move the dolls. Then i got hooked and play for 2 hours a day.

That's how i discovered this.