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Re: mIRC: Battle Script v1
// Battle Script v1
/sb {
 /set -e %enemy $$1
 /set -e %health $$2
 /say Prepare yourself, $1! | /say Health set to $2
/attack {
 /set -e %hit $read(hit.txt)
 /dec -e %health %hit
 if (%health <= 0) {
  %health = DEAD!
  if %health = DEAD! /say $+ Oh, this will be fun, %enemy
 if (%health <= 0) /me $read(finishers.txt, p) %enemy  %health
 else /me $read(weapons.txt) %hit dmg ~ total HP: %health
// End Battle Script
Tell me what I did wrong, please....

And yes, all the files exist, are in the proper directories, etc. Everything Zeroth set it up to do works, but it won't do the finishers or basically read from anything else if I change "weapons.txt" to target anything else.

I have no idea what's wrong with it.