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In my hallway I had a tomato plant. It grew all over the place but it wasn't producing any fruit. I cut it down so it'd regrow. I watered it every day. Eventually it grew up straight, instead of winding around all over the table.

About the time it started producing its first baby tomatoes, I was practicing throwing cards. I kept throwing cards down the hall past the plant. One time I threw a card which went to the side towards the plant. I saw it nick stem before hitting the wall behind it. It was about then that I figured I better find another place to throw cards so I wouldn't be endangering my tomato plant; Before I could finish the thought, the stem sank to the soil and fell over sideways. The card had actually sliced right through.

My card had a bit of green goo on it and the plant was roughly one third of its original height. All those weeks of watering the plant were wasted. I was sad. It never really grew again and I eventually got rid of it.

Nowadays it's a story I tell annoying people in #support when they complain about how unfair life is and how corrupt the moderators are because they didn't let them get away with stealing someone's account and all their items with it.