we may have had disagreements in the past but honestly your music taste is a W

I wasn't huge into music until I was 13 when I listened to a testament record and i was like "yo this shit is gas", and i've been exploring it more

my most recent topster (first 13 are 10/10 for me) may seem pretty linear but it's my taste


Huge into metal (melo, prog, tech death personal favorite) and hip-hop, recently listened to quadeca's and nas' new lp's, pretty good shit, can't believe quadeca dissed KSI at one point lmao; I've been exploring other genres like math and noise rock, thanks for the introduction to boris, pretty killer. Also listened to a lot of TWICE recently.

death is my favorite band, and by extension artist, of all time, and nothing will ever change that fact

if you ever want to recommend me anything hmu, would love to explore a lot more
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal