Originally Posted by chacosownr View Post
Username: chacosownr
Price range:15k
Details(be as specific as possible): I want the skin of the goliath to be maya and the stripes void. I want the one with the helmet WITHOUT THE FUR NEAR THE NECK
Reference's: below
thank you

Ok, well as you can see from my pricing guidelines, 15k might be a little on the low end for something like this. Also, you want the helmet like on the left pic, but the picture is really small, and kind of difficult to see any real characteristics. If you could find a larger image or what it is you want, it would be very helpful. I will add you to the queue list for now.

Originally Posted by Pwermert View Post
Type of Texture(heads only right now):Head
Price range:40K TC
Details(be as specific as possible):I would like a nice, sleek, semi-minimalist futuristic style head. I would prefer if the colors would match pure, supernova, or static, though the safest bet would be to stay mostly pure and supernova.
Reference's: None
Time allowed:As soon as you can wrap it up
PM me when youre done.

It would be very helpful if you could find a reference picture or two, it does not have to be exactly what you want, but just something along the lines of what your looking for. I just don't want to waste either of our time by doing something completely wrong. Also you description doesn't really "paint a very clear picture" so to speak.
To sum up, any additional details would be very helpful.
I'll add you to the queue list.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.