Originally Posted by sleep View Post
Wow, this is a lot. I have always loved music and always been listening to a lot of it, let me talk about my history of my music taste and stuff I like: So, I am not your typical music listener... I am what other may call a "hipster" in terms of what type of media I consume. I rarely listen to a band or an artist you may see on the radio or any music streaming network, ever since i was little, I was very interested in music, watching music videos every day on TV on channels like MTV and such, but, what brought me to love music as much as I do nowadays is video games. If you analyze all the music I listen, you can somehow link it to a past game I played. Now, for the interesting part, what music I like to listen: Always been a fan of electronic music, be it EDM (not nowadays since it has become very bland and generic imo), chiptune, drum and bass, synthwave, vaporwave, trance, progressive stuff, even ambient music. I am also a huge jazz fan, bossa nova, big bang, fusion and relatives. Even though I do listen to a lot of different types of music, it's rare that I get interested enough in an artist music that I search for their other work, it must really be something unique or extremely well made for me to look for more of the same artist. Being so influenced by video game music, it is obvious that I am listen to a lot of video game OSTs, which I will write another post ranking my favorites

I honestly love IDM i need to get into it more, i've been on a rage kick recently its actually really really good. you mighy be pretty interested in this though its incredibly popular so it'll be out of your comfort zone a bit, though i think coming from an EDM/IDM background would help you appreciate the more quality music being put out for this genre like specifically the song miss the rage ive been fucking obsessed with production of that song. ALSO!! you should totally check put that song i mentioned it has a lot of techno, jungle, rave inspired moments and i think you might have fun with it going a tiny bit outside your comfort zone.

Originally Posted by piss View Post
we may have had disagreements in the past but honestly your music taste is a W

I wasn't huge into music until I was 13 when I listened to a testament record and i was like "yo this shit is gas", and i've been exploring it more

my most recent topster (first 13 are 10/10 for me) may seem pretty linear but it's my taste


Huge into metal (melo, prog, tech death personal favorite) and hip-hop, recently listened to quadeca's and nas' new lp's, pretty good shit, can't believe quadeca dissed KSI at one point lmao; I've been exploring other genres like math and noise rock, thanks for the introduction to boris, pretty killer. Also listened to a lot of TWICE recently.

death is my favorite band, and by extension artist, of all time, and nothing will ever change that fact

if you ever want to recommend me anything hmu, would love to explore a lot more

OKAY, i'm a bit more sober now and can fully dive into this message.

I'd like to recommend you (and anyone else interested in this thread, i see you browsing come pay attention its fun) 4 albums or so and if you ever listen to them seriously feel free to come back to this thread and let me hear about it i'd love to.

1. prog inspired post punk that will make your head fall off

2. amazing ambient drone album from boris

3. girlbossing in the atlanta underground

4. fun girly pop from singapore

Last edited by Nurse; Dec 24, 2022 at 07:21 PM.
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