The Ultimate Toribash Forum Guide- Part 3

Clan discussion
This section is self explanatory in general. It is sometimes used to discuss clan related issues, it also has information on clan rules, and informs you on how to go about creating a clan (see here). The main purpose of this section these days is for people to post their clan applications to try and make their clan official, and within these applications people can discuss things about the clans.

Clan boards
Each official Toribash clan has its own board on the forum, when posting in each clans section, make sure you read any rules that the clan has on their board, because each clan can make its own rules for its clan board. Some clans are strictly invitation only, whereas other let you apply to become a member. The possibility of things you can post in the clan forums is very widespread, but the main purpose of clan board is for clan members and allies to interact with each other. To see how to make your own clan, see this thread here.

Clan events
The clan events section is similar to the events section but it is limited to things clan/group related. The clan events section itself is quite bare in content,

Other sections/elerk
These sections are quite miscellaneous, therefore they are not categorized.

The wibbles section of the forum is a general place to chat and joke about anything, no matter how silly. Most of the threads in wibbles are of no importance, and are just there for fun. If you are a hater of spam and hate getting flamed by totally random users, I suggest avoiding this section, because most of the posts in it are just waffle.

Hall of shame
As already mentioned, this is the area of the forums where moderators move threads that are basically unwanted, offensive or anything else which means they are not worthy of taking up place on the forums. You will go far if you don’t have a thread put in here.

Separate forum areas
These are all areas of the forums that need explaining that are not under any sections, but are located on the top bar of the forums.


The whole Torishop is based around a virtual ingame currency we have on Toribash called ToriCredits. In the Torishop, credits are used to customise your player to make them look as sexual as possible. Items vary in price, and some items require different amounts of Qi.

How to get credits
- Win one multiplayer game on any of our servers and you get 10 ToriCredits.
- To see how many credits you have, enter the Torishop, and look under the Your Account title.
- To see your credits transfer history, look at the 'Account History'.
- To see how many ToriCredits you gained from the matches you won, look at the In game Earnings

- Another way to get credits is to deposit Credits with Mobile phone, PayPal, Credit card or Scratch Cards, this gives you a lump sum of credits for a certain price.

- To get more than 10 ToriCredits per win you can buy Toriboosters, you can buy many different types of boosters. They vary in the time they last (1 week- 3 months) and the amount of credits they give you per win (50-1000)

- Credits do not disappear from the game server, so if an update fails for some reason (service overload or whatever) they will be updated later on.

If you don't get any credits, email us: [email protected]

Click HERE to e-mail Toribash via your default e-mailing program.

How to get items
Items come in a wide variety of types and colours, which I shall explain shortly, but first, it is necessary to understand how to acquire items. There are two way to get items, one is to buy them from Torishop, and another is to be sent them by transfer.
Buying from Torishop
When you go into Torishop you will see on the left that there are a number of options you can select (which will be explained later), to buy an items, you must click to view items by colour or to view all, either way, you will get a list of items to search through. When you have found the item you wish to buy, you must click the 'buy now!' button next to the item. Please remember that you will only be able to buy an item if :
-You have enough credits
-You have enough Qi
-The item is in stock.
Each item has its own picture on the left, and on the right you can see how much it costs, how much stock there is of that item, and how much Qi is required to be able to buy the item. Once you have successfully clicked the Buy now button, you will be lead onto another page, where you need to confirm that you want to buy the item. Once you have successfully bought an item, you will be told so, and the item will be located in your inventory.

If you want a cheaper way to earn your desired items, Toribash has a recent feature called youshops which can be found here. Some items are 90% cheaper then the torishop price so it is a great way to save on toricredits for other purposes. To search for the cheapest item you desire, try using deal finder in the torimarket which can be found here If you want to sell your unwanted items you can make one yourself by clicking this link. If you want to edit your youshop to your liking or just want to add a few items there is a button in the main torimarket which says " My Shop ". Click it.

Last edited by Aspire; Apr 15, 2010 at 09:07 AM.