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Originally Posted by Mouta View Post
what pic do you say i stole?!
and that link you posted i've explained it a lot of times before, and also in that thread is the explanation so i wont explain it again!
and the art i have here is all made by me, show me the proof that i stole it so i can see the one guy who stole it from me!
damn... im getting sick of being called a thief!!!

edit: oh! and some of the 3d pics were made by following a tutorial... so what?! it was me who made it... not the tutorial!

The three alien pics. I get if you made it by the tutorial I read as well, but it DID NOT include the planets and things in the background. Which you have in there, exactly the same as it was in the tutorial pics. You stole them.

And to repeat what I said in IRC, if you want me to find the tutorial, you try finding that specific tutorial. Since searching for "alien model 3D tutorial 3dsmax" will yield a couple hundred results at least.

show me the proof that i stole it so i can see the one guy who stole it from me!

So you want us to show you the proof so that you can tell us that he stole it from you?...uh-huh.

I remember the page that had the alien had a lightsaber one, but yours is different and lower quality.

My guess, you made the lightsaber, and was too annoyed that it came out wrong and simply took the alien directly.

Bottom-line, those alien pics can't have been made by you. Even if I disregard the fact that it's exactly the same as in the tutorial, including something the tutorial didn't cover, there's still the fact that the quality jumps a whole lot since the other models.