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Thread: Wushu Moves
Experimenting, improvising, trying out something new.
That's very important if you want to be a good player in Toribash.
It first feels like you will never ever be as good as the awesome players like Mosier, Nirs etc... But after a while of experimenting, you'll start to realize how every joint works, and you can do almost whatever you want.
It might take weeks, it might take months, but it's totally worth it.

So, improvise. Don't ask for premade openers from others. You'll just end up doing the move while thinking that you are sooooo awesome, but after the move you're pretty much clueless.
You can't do comebacks, you can barely survive from the disqualification...
And then, your opponent comes back to you and completely annihilates you.
By experimenting, you will avoid this.