Originally Posted by Tsuion View Post
there is a tiny trend of hacking but not too many people do it. mainly because no one teaches anymore.

i think we should start teaching again, and have a new trend or something.

i'd love this, yes please

wanted to pick up replay hacking for a while but not sure who to talk to, that and my poor management of time and what i want to do with it makes a mess of things

also i think there's nothing wrong with glorifying those from the past who indirectly (or, sometimes, directly) encouraged you to get better. replay makers like nuthug, pusga, larfen, swexx, largittykilly, pulse, and oracle (but fuck, it doesn't end there) are all huge influences on how i make my replays

i just don't think the right kind of glorifying goes on, the progressive kind. stuck in the past rather than seeing it as a foundation for something better; stuck on wanting to become albert einstein rather than surpass him.

of course i ain't surpassin' shit tho, cause i'm lazy as fuck and performing cognitive thought within' a swift succession is somethin' i ain't that good at yet
Last edited by Marrez; Jan 15, 2016 at 07:27 AM.
the goblin