[Sound]Upload Sounds on the DQ Sound Item
Hello, dear Toribashians.
Many of you on support asked around on how to upload sounds on your DQ Sound item.
Well that is pretty easy you just follow these steps:

What you need:
You need a Sound that is NOT longer than 5 Seconds
You need a Converter if you have a Mp3 file and convert it to a .wav file ( i use this converter: http://www.chip.de/downloads/SUPER-2011_17370353.html )
You need an DQ Sound item
Some patience

Go and get a sound like lets say a scream.
You see it is 5 seconds (or lower).
BUT it is Mp3 file!
To make sure you can upload that sound onto your DQ Sound item you need to have a .wav file so go onto a converter and convert the file into .wav
Check if it works and upload it on the DQ Sound.
There on the page if it uploaded your sound should now stand Play: ►
Click on the arrow to check if it works.
If it works then it is fine.

If you got more information write it in here so i add it into the first post.

Thanks guys and have fun with your sounds.

~ Cobra
p.s. : Don't forgett if you have Volume on 0 ingame then you won't hear the sounds ;)
also it doesnt work in 3.9 i am using 3.9-beta8 and there it works fine!
Last edited by WorldEater; Aug 14, 2014 at 01:25 PM.