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Thread: Round Things
Re: Round Things
and even more....

Now, these 4 I had problems with, due to either lack of workable info, or lack of contrast. Some will have black space, and Mercury was actually only half there, hence the lines where everything doesn't flow smoothly.

Dione is yet another of Saturn's moons (no I don't have an obsession), Mercury is another planet, Mimas is one of Saturn's moons, and so is Tethys.

All in all, 12 space-thing heads.
Attached Files
dione.tga (48.0 KB, 16 views)
mercury.tga (48.0 KB, 16 views)
mimas.tga (48.0 KB, 13 views)
tethys.tga (48.0 KB, 13 views)