i love the vids (i watched these a long time ago) but when is 5/5 coming out if its coming out

besides that these are the vids that taught me how to suplex and turnover etc lot of great tips in these vids and the voice is so soothing

its a thumbs up from me

5/5 is way too conceptual and controversial, so we never did it, i mean we still have the script for it, as well as replays, but considering the *cumpetative* shift in meta, it would be safe to keep it the way it is
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
How come when I fully do whatever the video shows me I cannot execute a basic suplex? Guessing that this needs intuition I just cant get the position the first video teaches me. The rest of the tutorials are great but i just cant get down the first basic suplex.
Originally Posted by Acernex9 View Post
How come when I fully do whatever the video shows me I cannot execute a basic suplex? Guessing that this needs intuition I just cant get the position the first video teaches me. The rest of the tutorials are great but i just cant get down the first basic suplex.

the way the first guy did it was actually very dumb and risky, but you basically want to lower your shoulders and sort of fall backwards, then lift him up.
this guy allowed both legs to leave the ground which could have let him be lifted, taken off balance, or he could have been slammed easily if the opponent did it right

keep one knee contracted so you dont fall on your ass due to the pressure and can bounce off the ground if needed

you can see in every replay they all have two things in common, lowering shoulders and contracting one knee to save yourself

the reason why snakes worked so well was because the guy used a terrible opener and was clearly not skilled enough to counter it, snake had both elbows grab rendering his arms basically useless

its a little more difficult if the person has equal grabs and no situation is the same so you'll have to learn to adapt
Last edited by Wounder; Dec 25, 2017 at 04:57 PM.
to be fair i'm an advocate of "never have both arms to face same way" so you are not loosing anything if you skip the basic suplex, it is here as the first step to teach players how to pull opponents, as the rest of the techniques use the same idea of pulling the opponent
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
these vids are cool but there is definitely more to aikido than throws and suplexes. would love more vids
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