Original Post
clan VENOM replays
  1. ok every1 in venom post replays here for clan vid
  2. no spamming
  3. must be with body parts ripping off
  4. must be up to mine and jen expertations
  6. point of this is for our clan vid im making mass vid
  7. first post ur BEST replays
  8. when vid is done i will upload like our first one
  9. plz do not put shit replays! on
  10. that is all you need to know start uploading on here now!
Clan forum is not created for your threads.
It's your 3rd attempt to make this place full of Venom's threads.
Your clan loses reputation hardly...
Oh my god...
Venom fails. Hardly. I'm not trying to insult you, but your noobish member ruin the community order...
Pwn alot? Clans which pwn alot don't need warning like "you have to DM".
Read posts, close this thread, apologize.
"Can discussion" isn't created for Venom's pointless threads.