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[SOLVED] Quick Aikido and Black Belts
Hi ;)

At first, sorry for my bad english. ;)

My question:

Why are (not all) black belts writing "fuck you, etc..." when they loses against me (blue belt)?
No noobclap and only 1 hand grabbing.

I know green belt players they are beating me in 4-5 turns. And i learned from my misstakes.

Why is this so?
I am not sure. It may be broken. (Or may not exist, not to sure) It doesn't work me for either though. So your doing nothing wrong.

There is an unfortunate level of poor sportsmanship in this game Like Ben said, don't let it bother you...
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Originally Posted by Taquar View Post
Ok. thx ;)

one more question... why the /ignore <name> doesnt work?
Or do i wrong?

Originally Posted by -Ben View Post
I am not sure. It may be broken. (Or may not exist, not to sure) It doesn't work me for either though. So your doing nothing wrong.

There never was a /ignore command. If you want however, you can use /hush

That will disable your whispers and keep them from privately bothering you, but at the risk of not being able to chat with your friends via whisper. If someone is repeatedly harassing you, as in following you to every room you join and what not, take screenshots and report it to a GM. I've experienced this before and was able to get it handled. Hope this helps. o7