Original Post
Help With Mod Please
I am making this mod, and I am having trouble doing stuff with it. In worldbuilder, I want to change the flags on a bunch of the things, but they always change to another objects set of flags. If somebody could help me that would be great.

Change the wall behind tori, the ceiling above him, the bars next to him, and the ones touching those, and the ramp ontop of the ceiling to static. Then change those really thing blade looking things to instagib. The idea of the mod is so that they go down the ramps, I am not sure if you need friction or not. I don't know how to add it :P

Thanks for the help if you do help.
Attached Files
TheSwiffer2.tbm (1.5 KB, 3 views)
[uncopyrightable]: I think Blam is the competition donater.
[Carrick]: donater? what does he do?
[WeRd]: donate.
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