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[Tutorial] So you want to get good at Toribash..
So, I haven't seen too many tutorials explaining the basics of Toribash (Or that good in my opinion), so I think it's only fair for me to bring my own perspective or opinion to how you should start out toribash.

I'll be writing this a few articles at a time, so if some things are missing, I'll most likely add in more later.

First off, if you have any martial arts training of any kind, this will help you a-lot since you'll already know how to do some moves, if not; it'll probably take you longer.

Now, lets get some basic joint movements down;

Explaining Joints and what they can do

Remember, with mods; Joints can change the directions they turn, or be in different areas all together, you have to adapt to your body if this happens and play. But consider doing that after you get a good footing on your basics.

Now, we'll explain briefly on what all the "contract, hold, relax, extend" means. But, if you paid attention in biology class and understand what your muscles do, they're exactly what you think, and you're good. Still, consider reading this part to ensure yourself.


"Now how do I make attacks now with all that mumbo jumbo?"
Take your newfound knowledge and try to make some of your own moves yourself, but before doing so, you need to learn some basic moves in order to build off of to understand.


What you can do now is try to modify these moves to your own style, or make your own moves in general.

Edit 2:
Grabbing is kinda of a luck game as to whether it'll help you or not, consider only using this as a last resort or to fake someone out.


Will add on more when I see fit.
If you need re-clarifying or any of the sort, I'll put them in this spoiler.
Make a request and it'll be good.

Advanced explanation.

Last edited by Xer0; Aug 22, 2013 at 07:17 AM.
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If there is effort, there is always accomplishment. - Jigoro Kano
Wow,this is useful for beginners to Toribash.
Great job! Just add more and this will be perfect!
Originally Posted by shawncolin View Post
Wow,this is useful for beginners to Toribash.
Great job! Just add more and this will be perfect!

Thanks, I kinda actually wrote this in the first place for my friend, but I thought it'd better for everyone to see this as opposed to just 3 people.

Also, added some changes.
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If there is effort, there is always accomplishment. - Jigoro Kano
I really like this tutorial. The Attacking segment was kind of meh but overall looking sexy.

Just a quick suggestion ~ maybe add some pictures?
"I have no fear, for fear is the little death that kills me over and over. Without fear, I die but once."
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
too basic. Didn't find it useful for myself. :/

better make a tutorial how to be good enough to earn TC via duels

I do not believe he asked you to give a irrational input, it may not help you, but this might help other people.. there is no sense in you posting stuff like that, if you want to see another tutorial on your logic go do it yourself


Decent Tutorial add some pictures though, it would be alot more helpful :>
Thanks for the tutorial i think it will help alot of people out, Maybe you could add some pictures? Other than that it was great ;)
Nice tutorial, but saying the neck is useless is just so wrong. It wouldn't be a joint on the tori if it were useless.

To put it simply, the neck acts similarly to the abs. It allows you to shift your weight forward or back but is located higher up on the body. As a result, this joint controls the weight distribution of every part below it in a very slight way. If even affects rotation in a way I have yet to understand completely.
Last edited by LagSwitch; Jul 21, 2013 at 01:33 AM.