Original Post
I would say try to watch some vids on youtube and just pick up the template study it and just try some stuff out. What could also help is using a free head as a template study where everything goes and try it yourself. I have to warn you though that you may not copy it because that would be plagiarism. Also have you got any idea what program you want to use? If not I would recommend Gimp since it's free and very nice to use.
Agreed. Go watch some youtube videos on How to make Toribash Textures, Then Youtube How to use Gimp, Learn the program, And Just practice. Also, You can get the Color Codes for your items ingame so You can match Exact Like Your Force To the texture.
Watching YouTube videos are helpful but there arnt a lot of good ones on how too make head textures. The ones out there will give you a general idea but I didn't find them very useful. Also agreed on Gimp if you don't have something your using already. Photoshop is probably the best along with Illustrator. I'm not very good at making textures but it takes a while too figure out the mapping so I found just fooling around with that helped quite a bit so just fool around with it your first few don't have too be masterpieces. Good luck on making your textures
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I would recommend doing what i did - MS PAINT all the way


Use Gimp my head looks like it was drawn by a 3 year old