Original Post
[REQ] Tori "repositioner"
Can someone make a script that can make positioning alot easier. Like a drag and place script? (i have no idea how to work with scripts, so i dont know if this is possible)
F ight A gainst G renade S pam See what i did there?
try using /set engageplayerpos 0,0,0,0,0,0 and /set engagepalyerrot 0,0,0,0,0,0

There are 6 digits for each, just play around with each one, start a new match (ctrl+n) each time to see what it changed and yeah.. there are 3 0's for uke and 3 for tori for each :P
/set gr 0 0 -30
Hi there, instead of creating a new thread for requests, please use the Suggestions thread sticky. Someone will get to your request and whatnot.

Mamr2000: Please do not bump such an old thread unless you have something valuable to contribute, the poster above you has already provided a sufficient answer to the OP's problem
