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[mp] Awkward turtle (Supplex counter)
Awkward turtle!

What is an Awkward turtle?
An Awkward turtle is a way to counter a supplex in Aikidobigdojo.tbm.
The idea is to make the opponent think that you don't know how to counter his supplex.
And suddenly, he flies in the air before he knows it!

How to do one?
As soon as your opponent passes his vertical position:

You start doing this:
Contract elbows,
Extend pecs,
Raise shoulders,
Extend glutes,
Extend hips.

The most important thing is that you raise shoulders and contract elbows.
If any of them are fractured or dismembered, abort mission!

Anyways, one turn after that happened, your opponent has flew in the air.
You don't want to get disqualified, so you shift your elbows to your wrists. (Extend elbows, contract wrists).

After that turn, your opponent is on the ground.
You need to squeeze him.
(Contract pecs, extend wrists).

What does it look like?

Awkward turtle.rpl

I hope you can do something with this.

Pet rock-obsessed....My club
2) No Moves
We do not want nor permit tutorials for in game moves.

when will people get this rule into their heads.
