Original Post
+Clan Tags
Can you set a clan tag to be in front of your name so it is displayed in multi player rooms?

If so, how?
You are all wrong.
I own official clan [RAM] (I mean, I'm a main leader of it) and we have the tag, but the tag is displayed only when the official clan has been added to toriclan.
When clan has the toriclan the leader must add you in toriclan list, so you would get a tag.
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
Originally Posted by Reachbank View Post
toriclan=official member of a clan

Next time read this before posting false opinion about toriclan.
Last edited by Barreta; Jan 6, 2011 at 03:56 PM.
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
Deleted all the wrong posts.
Consider this a warning, do not post if you don't know the answer.