Original Post
Translucent head?
I've been struggling to have transparency in my head. i know targa can handle transparency but what settings should I save my head to keep the transparency. Everytime I save it it has white background afterwards. Also I didn't know where to post this so move this if it's in the wrong dir
it should be in support...

anyway... if you save straight to .tga without compression then it should work... other applications may add on the white background... so you should try testing in toribash by making a file called 'test' in custom folder and putting the head in there as head.tga then going in game and typing /lp 0 test
this should make your head appear in game... but make sure you have transparency on in the setup menu... it might not work for you but if your selling, then get someone else with shaders to test it
Storment , Well if its an TGA u should add some alpha layers
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
I've been meaning to ask this question too.
I have Photoshop, and I lower the opacity of the texture. Is that the right method? How low should I set the opacity? What are alpha layers and why/how should I apply them?

Thanks lol. (sorry for adding clog to your topic Storment, I just feel that I should just ask here instead of making another.)
I have alpha channel active and set up. In toribash transparent textures are active and I save as targa with 32bit color depth. What seems to be the problem?
and yeah, no compression
And I use photoshop
Last edited by Storment; Jun 15, 2008 at 02:00 PM.