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Being able to easily find trade history page of an item
Please forgive me if this is already a thing on the forums, but I'd love to see a feature which allows me to see an item in someone's inventory and having a button that directs me to the trade history page of when the person acquired the item.

I feel like this would be quite useful when being able to see when and how someone got an item. There's been so many times where I look at an item in my inventory and wonder how I even got that, but when my trade history page is in the 700s, it can get difficult to track items down. Similarly, if you're trying to buy an item from someone, it'd be easy to check how much they paid for the item (if they bought it off someone), being able to produce a counter offer with the easy knowledge of how much they spent on it.

I don't think this is a very necessary addition at all but I feel like this would be a very nice quality of life addition.

Thank you for listening to my TED Talk
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
Originally Posted by Stone View Post
Please forgive me if this is already a thing on the forums, but I'd love to see a feature which allows me to see an item in someone's inventory and having a button that directs me to the trade history page of when the person acquired the item.

I feel like this would be quite useful when being able to see when and how someone got an item. There's been so many times where I look at an item in my inventory and wonder how I even got that, but when my trade history page is in the 700s, it can get difficult to track items down. Similarly, if you're trying to buy an item from someone, it'd be easy to check how much they paid for the item (if they bought it off someone), being able to produce a counter offer with the easy knowledge of how much they spent on it.

I don't think this is a very necessary addition at all but I feel like this would be a very nice quality of life addition.

Thank you for listening to my TED Talk

Hey there Stone! Sorry it took so long to respond, you know us squids get busy!

Reading through, I know these features are available already but I do agree they're not extremely convenient. As for the recent sales, one sale isn't a great representation of the price of an item, and there's already an easily accessible "search in market" button which shows the current market prices and recent sales which I believe satisfies this well. As for how you got an item, I do agree it's not extremely convenient but I also don't love the idea of adding another hyperlink to the item. How are you suggesting we make this an easily accessible link to the item's transaction history?
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Originally Posted by Athin View Post
Hey there Stone! Sorry it took so long to respond, you know us squids get busy!

Tell me about it, I remember my own squid days haha. No worries about the late response.

Originally Posted by Athin View Post
Reading through, I know these features are available already but I do agree they're not extremely convenient. As for the recent sales, one sale isn't a great representation of the price of an item, and there's already an easily accessible "search in market" button which shows the current market prices and recent sales which I believe satisfies this well.

It does a good job with commonly sold items on the market but there are those higher end items that rarely get sold on the market, if at all. Those items just wont have any market history as they are typically sold on the items shop part of the forums. That's where being able to find the trade history might come in quite useful. You'd just check the trade history of the item and get a decent gauge on how much it could be sold for (assuming there aren't any past sells on the actual market).

Originally Posted by Athin View Post
As for how you got an item, I do agree it's not extremely convenient but I also don't love the idea of adding another hyperlink to the item. How are you suggesting we make this an easily accessible link to the item's transaction history?

I think that some of the hyperlinks are a waste of space. The image of an item is hyperlinked to this dreary little page that offers literally nothing:

You could very easily have the "View in Torishop" hyperlink removed and have it replace what we currently have for the image hyperlink. Similarly you could also remove what we have for the image hyperlink and take us to the trade history page of when a person received that item.

If we want to declutter hyperlinks, we can also remove the "Edit" hyperlink for most of the items. The edit hyperlink takes us to the exact same page as the image hyperlink, plus 3d items don't seem to have the edit hyperlink so its not very necessary for anything other than sets, so that you can change the name of it (I could be incorrect about that).
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
This isn't entirely related, but I've always though it'd be nice for sets to have a hyperlink that empties and removes the name from the set
Alright, so!

Stone you made some really great points. I'll start off by saying that the page you linked is used and can't be removed because it's actually the page that allows you to customize an item. You just happened to choose an item that's not customizable. Here is an example of that same page but with an item that you CAN customize:

Now, the "view in torishop" button provides a lot of great information like how many owners, how many in circulation, allows you to buy another with ST, etc. The edit button also is another way to upload and add item effects, so it will stay as well.

Now, with all that being said you do make great points about seeing in item's history and you shouldn't have to track it down in your transaction history to find out. Therefore, I was able to get a hyper-link "trade history" to be added so you can view this information. Here is an example:

Thank you for your suggestion and for helping improve our community with great quality of life improvements!

If you have any questions feel free to let me know!
Last edited by Athin; Jul 26, 2023 at 09:28 PM.
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I would like to leave in mind that even this suggestion is already implemented it still fails to fulfill some cases (at least for me) where certain items about one or two years ago more or less that are sitting in somebody's item for some reason their track gets automatically wiped.

This is an item i recieved a couple of months now


And this is an item (cat ears) i do remember i bought off the market two years ago.


I do really love this idea, but what is the point of implementing this button rather hyperlink if the trade history is gonna get wiped out after some time?
Last edited by BOOST; Jul 27, 2023 at 06:44 AM.