Original Post
How To Make Toribash Flames In C4D!
All Credits Go To Stupinator For The Techniques Used In This Tutorial

This tutorial shall only be 1 image, due to the fact there will be a video tutorial attached.

Step 1. Create a plane with x/y size 100 and segments for both 1, on a +z rotation.

Step 2. Create a new material, double click on the material to enter the material editor. Disable the specular channel, and activate luminance and alpha channels, apply whatever flame texture you wish to use in the alpha channel. You can also add colour for a bit of depth, and use the luminance channel for applying colour.

Step 3. Add a camera to the scene, and add a target tag to the plane by right clicking on it in the objects panel, and clicking "Cinema 4D tags>Target". Then, make the camera the planes target.

Step 4. Make the plane editable by clicking on it and pressing "c", add an emitter to the scene, and make the plane a child of it, adjust the emitter properties to what you want/need, but make sure to change end scale to 0. Variation settings make it so much more like toribash flames but it’s up to you what you want to use. Here is an example of settings,and what the flame looks like:

Step 5 (Optional.) Add a tori-rig to your scene (credit to stupinator for making this) and make the emitter the size as the object you wish it to follow (hand, foot, head etc.) and position it. When you keyframe the rig’s hands/feet, and you must have the emitter as a child of the hand/body part. Do not make the emitter(s)child(ren) to the controllers however, because those don't rotate. To change the emit amount, just adjust the birthrate, a lot of people don’t know this.

Video Tutorial:
Remember that a visual aid is sometimes easier than a written tutorial.

I Hope this helps, and have fun creating flames in C4D!

Last edited by Bilza; May 28, 2009 at 02:45 PM.