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[tut] Some basic stuff
Part one: Basic hotkeys:

These are some of the basic hotkeys:
Ctrl+p= print screen
Ctrl+c= copy
Ctrl+v= paste
Ctrl+t new tab
Ctrl+w= close page------------------ |I get these 2 mixed up sometimes
Ctrl+e= Strate to search engen-------|So carefull useing them
More to come

Part two: Making your screen a image:
Hks used: Ctrl+v
To start out go to what you want to make a image, say your desktop. Most keybords have a "Print screen button" located above the "home" and "end" button. Hit the "Print screen button". Now go to paint or any editor program like gimp and hit Ctrl+v. To get it on Toribash you might have to go to image shack and upload it.

Part three: Saveing a replay:

For this part you will not need any hotkeys. Go to the replay you wish to save and click it. Choose "save" and go to toribash, in the toribash folder click on the folder that says "replays" and save it to your collection. Then just go ingame and go to "replays" and find the name of the replay you have just saved.

Part four: Deleting replays and find your tb screen shots:

Again no hotkeys are needed. Go to your tb shortcut and right click it. Then go to properties and click find target. You are now in your tb file. Go to Screenshots to fine your screenshots( to take screenshot in tb hit f5 ). Or you can go to replays. Right click the replay you dont want and hit delet.

Part five: Finding your info

No hks needed. There are many ways to see you pc info, i will teach you the DirectX verison. I trust this verison and i use it alot. Go to run(should be in the start bar) and type in cmd. That is your command promp for your pc you can do many things from it. Type in dxdiag.

More to come, if you need help or want me to make a tut of somthing pm me and i will see what i can do.