Original Post
Hello! I'm SwimmableTrain!
Hey. What's up everyone?
I'm SwimmableTrain, most people in game just call me Swim.

[Things you might want to know]
I'm from ON (Ontario) Canada. (For the love of god don't say "Y dont u say eh after every sentence if ur canadian" ...Please. Just don't go there.)

I am also the age of 16.
I have bit... of a potty mouth ingame.
And with a potty mouth... Comes being immature... :P But thats just who I am.
My favorite types of games... Oooohhh.. First person shooters. Driving related games... (Excited for the new driver!)

That pretty much covers my introduction...

I hope to see yall ingame!
Logic? SCRUE LOGIC. I'm a Train that can SWIM.