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Extremely Clear and got me some TC!
18 Votes / 25.00%
Got me decent amount of TC although be unclear on some of the topics
6 Votes / 8.33%
Good tutorial although needs some more sections or info
10 Votes / 13.89%
Confused me And got me very little TC
6 Votes / 8.33%
Told me everything i already knew and didnt help at all
32 Votes / 44.44%
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The Ultimate Guide on how to get TC
Ok this is a get started tutorial to making much TC =D
Note this is for people relatively new to the game!

Starting Off

if you are starting off there is very little you can do my suggestions are if you are not the greatest at toribash one of your options is to go on at non peak times for instance find a lobby which sas ( semi-pro, intermediate, black-belt, beginner e.t.c ) as these lobbys you will be earning a good 10 TC the reason i said to go on at unusual times is so that lobby numbers are small increasing your revenue per hour (hint: the better you are at the game the easier this is but if your not the best dont fear theres many ways you can get your dream skin!) Furthermore if you would like a way to get TC no effort http://inflict.on.toribash.com/
when this link is clicked you get 30TC this depends on whose name is infront of the on.toribash.com so if you would like to make yours just insert your name infront of it for example Beast.on.toribash.com

Advanced toribash tutorial ( for the really good players at toribash )

WARNING to use this next method you must be really good at this game to step lightly. once you have gained a minimum of 200TC you can give this method a try but this is gambling on your skill. so be careful. Simply find a lobby in the lobby list which says gambling or stakes e.t.c then once your in find out what they are betting and click /enter although if its too much you may ask the admin to lower the stakes once your in you will play for the money in the pot so make sure its a game-mode you are good at. This can be an extremely quick way to gain TC or lose them. another way is too enter competitions in the news feed as these can gain big money! however only the best of the best win these.

The Luck of the Draw tutorial

this way can be easy when you get to know high TC players hosting lobbys or the admins who support the online community. I found out about this as this happend to me! simply click on a lobby and see who's in the lobby and you are looking for an admin called Assazin as he gives TC to people who ask and answer questions about the game i got 2000TC! when i did this. so stay in the lobby until he does a random draw to give the tc to a player.
if you find another support admin please post!
Also many bidding lobby admins do quizes and other activities to keep spectators entertained for TC so you dont even have to play!

The Investors Way

for people with common sense of how a market works.
once you've got your self 750TC minimum otherwise this method can be very ineffective and time consuming. so you should click on the market at the top bar then search for an item which has a very cut price once you have a good looking item colour for instance red,blue and green are very popular colours then click on the item title and see what the difference is between the top two items in the list now subtract the bigger value from the smaller ( 1900 - 1200 = 700 ) is the difference; you are looking for a 200 difference else it is not worth investing in. Also another big mistake is to buy all the items in a category in an attempt to control the price as you cannot control the market thats the consumers job. once you are building up some money start to invest in things at a price range between 25,000 - 2000 as this is golden range to make the most profit.

Texturing, For people with an Artistic Talent

to do this you will need a basic idea of how photoshop or gimp works by the way photoshop is a paid program and gimp is not. if you cannot stand gimp like me im sure you could find a way to get it for free ( like most things in life ) so once your in you should head into the shop at the top bar then under inventory category click the textures title and find what you want to get the template for, and click the template title to download. once you have opened up this in photoshop or gimp you can design your texture for hints on how to design a texture look at many youtube tutorials as im sure theres loads.
so you have your made your texture click save as then select targa and save it ( if you are using gimp i think you have to uncheck compress as Rl i think post below if you know what it is ) then if you would like to test your texture go into where you installed your toribash and head into the custom players folder and create a new name it something like test. and place your targa file inside that folder. once you have done that head onto into toribash then free-play then type into the command /lp 0 test ( this will make it so you can view your texture. once finished you should take a screen shot of your character with it equipped you can click F8 or use something like grab or print screen. then head onto in the forums and click create new post in the art category and upload that picture of your character and suggest a price.
DO NOT UPLOAD THE TEXTURE YOU MADE as they can just steal it.
Your done =D phew that was long lol
that is the one i created

Thanks for reading any suggestions just post away below! enjoy your TC
Last edited by Inflict; Nov 27, 2012 at 04:33 PM.