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Beginners guide to betting
Before we start, lets get into the commands for betting.

/bets : shows all the current bets.

/bet <amount of tc> <name> : This is your basic betting command.

First off: Your going to want to make a bank alt. Dont use some fancy name, just keep it simple. Something like: <YourNameHere>Bank. This is where you will put your profit if you make a ton. This is so you can save your profit up. Take this from me, I have made over 1mil in betting, but I have also lost around all of it betting as well. My recommendation is to keep around 10k on your main, and all the profit you make, throw it in your bank account.

Do not place your bet until the 420th frame. This is mainly due to this being the last possible set of frames you can bet. For the love of God, do not go betting on the first frame just because you think someone is better then their opponent, DMs occur all the time.

The next tip I have is Never bet all of your money. Ever. I have made this mistake to many times to count. Then you just end up with nothing. As stated earlier, make a bank and put your earnings into it.

The higher you bet, the more profit you make. Dont get me wrong, the max amount of profit you can get is 5x the amount you bet. (IE: If I bet 100, the max I can get is 500tc. Which is a total of 400tc profit.) But the higher you bet, the higher your chances are to make a decent profit.

I know this is short, but if I am missing anything, feel free to add onto it.
Last edited by Fox; Jan 11, 2015 at 06:53 AM.

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