Original Post
[Tex]arabic fighter
a head of mine,
Shadows left,
I am still trying to keep more realistic.
some parts are on the beginning stage.

still open for expert tips.




Last edited by Srpolite; Feb 20, 2012 at 06:27 PM.
Try to make atleast some of the head more assymetrical(especially the eyes), it will look better on the long run.
As for CnC, I will edit this post with it once the head is completed.
Back for good.
Its a good head to be fair.I think you could add more to be honest like make it more interesting.But overall the head is good.
the shadow from the chain things is bad they look like there floating ;o
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Is this meant to be a boy?If it is please change the cloth around his mouth to red or dark blue and remove the crystals also he would have a darker skin tone for a Arabic fighter.