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I'm Back.....Again! :)
So I'm pretty sure I made an introduction thread back in 2006 but I'd like to make another one. For anyone That played back in those days can you remember when safe wrists were introduced? that was good times. or how about the servers list lol. JUDO was the game of choice back then.

My Fight Style would be what i call the "Liquid" style. Absorbing my opponents kicks/throws and twists to start my own twists/throws. I rarely use "striking" moves even when the option is present as i see myself as a more "peaceful" fighter. I've also described my style as "Twisty Style" Taught to me be a fighter named "Foxxy".

Anyway I've been playing on and off for a lot of years now and am looking to join a group of players and get more involved in the community.

PS: the forum stopped sending me birthday wishes T_T

EDIT 1: when is this vampire/zombie thing going to end anyway?

Edit 2: Also i have seen some other vets not as old as myself with + signs. do i have to have bought a head prior to or during 2.0 for that?

Edit 3: alot of edits here lol. High Five to the old codgers who never quit!
Last edited by Ph33P; Jun 9, 2012 at 10:52 AM.