Originally Posted by Dodekus View Post
DaPwnner: The shaman can just spirit everyone over. Works like a charm.

I know that, its just that the plank was cooler. It also works 100% whereas the spirit can kill people who don't know what to do.
Oh my, what is this doing here?
Originally Posted by Dodekus View Post
Maybe create a plank under you (if you're shaman) and then let people push it?

EDIT: Only me that can't connect atm?

No, it was a plank on the B hinge in the middle of the gap. And, the server crashed a multitude of times already. I don't know why, but it's probably because of the people over in the facepunch server making mega demon anvils and what not.
Oh my, what is this doing here?
A tad too popular game?
Crashes every so often.

This is awesome. Hopefully I get to play more soon. Just got to play two rounds...
Originally Posted by Dodekus View Post
He made a B plan all over there? Was he hacking or something?

Not sure, he said "Take a plank, and start to build it. Then , press b on the keyboard, and start to invoke the plank, and then" After that the server got cut off.
Oh my, what is this doing here?