I have wikipedia as my desktop (you can set HTML pages as your desktop you see, they will stay fully active)
Originally Posted by Madgecko11 View Post
good tut i now have a semi-nice toribash screen saver

Yay just happy i could help =)

and how did u manage to do that Voxus?
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."

I've got Vista....

That sux
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Originally Posted by LineTori View Post

I've got Vista....

That sux

=( It doesnt work for vista
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
Originally Posted by KoEDeath View Post
=( It doesnt work for vista

[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
OK here is how you set up an HTML page as your desktop, I've only tested this in windows XP and someone else has in Ubuntu Linux so I'm sure it works on most Linux distros such as fedora, red hat, Debian or Gentoo. (However Linux probably requires a different way of doing this...)

1: save this html code as what ever you wanna name it .html, I'll just use Desktop.html

<iframe src="" height="100%" width="100%">
2: edit it to have what ever website you want in place of

3: save and set that as your desktop wallpaper through the control panel

Done, now feel free to edit this how you like you can have multiple frames of parts of web-pages, well really you can have anything you are able to program in html...

Note: You can set a resizable and interesting frame up with just the web setting, in customise desktop, in desktop, in display properties, however any links clicked with this method will load in your browser, and it wont be fully live like my version.

Note: You can even set up an RSS feed to your desktop as shown here:
Cool thanks Voxus and LineTori i will try to figuere a way for you asap =)

EDIT: Found something Linetori i will pm u what i found.
Last edited by KoEDeath; Jul 11, 2008 at 11:59 PM.
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
>_< it wont work i need windows media player 9 it wont work on wmp11