I would like to request an assassin vampire/noxious head. You can just go crazy on this one, I just want it to look like an assassin, the rest is Freestyle. Yes, I have 10k for you, if you get it right.
10k isnīt that much :O
ill give it a shot anyway;P
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

nightmare, i would like helmet3 but with some blonde spikey hair poping out of teh eyeholes (u can still see teh eyes)
and a a white scarf muffling below the plating on his helmet

i dont care how much it cost but if its too much i will wait till i gits teh moneys (right noaw i have liek 15k ;) )
Rawrawrawr, Ima Psy >:U
Shop | Replays

still waiting for you to GOOGLE a helmet which style comes close to your wishes!
Yust a little example, 5 minutes search and youll find something ;p

erm hair in the eyes
tell me details ingame, cu tomorrow ;p
Last edited by Nightmare; Jun 25, 2008 at 10:18 PM.
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

I am SELLING my cuzomations for toribash!
They are a easy to hande .rar file so everybody can use!

[10000tc] for Version with Shader
[8000tc] for Version without Shader

you now might think:
"WTF is this guy crazy? Selling stuff everybody can do on his own and where are Tutorials for it HERE in the forum!? WTF!?"

1.st Two guys ASKED ME if I COULD SELL IT TO THEM! It was not my idea! Those guys are just to lazy to do it on their own and they got the money!
2.nd I am hot on tc ;P

On buy I send you a link to the downlaod file via PM
You are not allowed to give this file to any further persons than you, or telling the link to anybody!
If i mention some1 is dooing so then i will only send my stuff via E-Mail... is anoying for me and customers aswell

PLEASE no comments to that
Just buy it or keep out of my shop =)
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple

kk aip i gonna work on it

<---- for free sale 10k!
Last edited by Nightmare; Jun 26, 2008 at 09:47 AM.
Artist: Nightmare | Previous Owners: --- | Resolution: 512 | Modifications: On Request, No fee if simple
