Really like these videos, the narration is a very nice touch.

My questions after watching these videos:
What do I do if I notice my opponent is going for as throw/suplex/turnover and I've gone for a turnover/throw/suplex/ect? - IE how do I counter these techniques once I realize I'm in one? (Assuming that one can realize they're in a throw/suplex/turnover before it's too late to react).
How do I remain neutral in order to attempt to react to these techniques? (Guessing the answer is noobclab and maybe go low, but as an aikido noob I have no idea if my instincts serve me well here).
How do I react to these techniques if I've taking a neutral-reactionary stance?

Bonus question:
What do I do whenever I expect my opponent will go for a "cheese" like contracted wrists or a shovel? - I know the answer for this one has probably been said elsewhere, but as far as this guide being an all in one aikido guide goes. Knowing what to go for/do in these situations would be very nice (Also not just asking to play devil's advocate or anything. I really don't know what to do here).

But ye questions aside, really like the videos. Might actually try and pick up aikido now after I get the answers to those questions.
Last edited by GoodBox; Jun 28, 2015 at 09:59 AM.