Original Post
ok but why isnt it glowing like pure, supernova etc?
its a nice color and all but we could use more glowing ones imo
theres no blue one yet (or in this case indigo, i guess) and i feel like if tesla actually had that effect, the color would fit the theme/name way better
Originally Posted by Dice View Post
ok but why isnt it glowing like pure, supernova etc?
its a nice color and all but we could use more glowing ones imo
theres no blue one yet (or in this case indigo, i guess) and i feel like if tesla actually had that effect, the color would fit the theme/name way better

The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post

Vortex doesnt really glow in the same way as colors like radioactive or toxic for example
Its intense, yes, but its not the same effect
Originally Posted by Reshiss View Post
'Preciate the info, but don't you think this one, again, looks like another colour?

every colour looks like every other colour.
There are only so many colours we can make that are absolutely different, but also pleasant to the eye. We dont wanna make puke greens and a bunch of desaturated colours for the sake of being different.

Tesla is my favourite blue (indigo) by far.
I give the best relationship advice
Tesla is definitely different than all the other blue's, its most similar to marine, but still isnt very similar other than being blue. Its very nice imo, great job forgers.
you're on thin ice, pal