Originally Posted by zenzen213 View Post
It's only about the "getting rid of ragequitters" not "not getting tc"

The main problem is ragequitters not the tc thing.

My opinion is that they have a thing where you ragequit X amounts of times, and then that person can't play in a tourney for X amounts of tourneys and he just has to watch X amounts of times before his restriction is off.

Not a ban for a time but more like a thing where he can't compete in the tourney and can only watch.

It happens he has to do that how many times he ragequits.

i made this thread right?my objective is both of them.ragequitters punished and winner gets what he deserves.
If there weren't ragequitters, the problem you stated would not exist. Avoiding ragequitters would solve your issue.
Also, your approach would be heaven to farmers. Not supported.
“War is a game that is played with a smile. If you can't smile, grin. If you can't grin, keep out of the way till you can.” - Winston Churchill
d'oh that will be just great but thats quite complicated to code i guess. my suggestion was rather simple ;) to give person a negative motivation to ragequit since he will loose his own tc. something like that. and i'm 100% sure it's rather simple to code then autobans andd that sort of things.
Then losing TC for quit is better solution, they won't quit
and will be forced to accept defeat.
+ Its not giving a way to farm, like possible tourney issue quit=autolose.
Jigyansu, TOTALLY agreed with you, im so much tired of dumb players rage quiting me, its not fair, there should be a penalty of the same ammount of the price of the tourney, so if you rage at lenshu, make a 750tc penalty, so those idiotic ragers are just a bit in control, by the way, ive heard many people allready leaving tb cause ragers, and thats not fair either...
or more simple, if he rage quits, give the tc to the other finalist, thats a simple solution, and easy to do...
but if its not a final, then ban the other guy or add a penalty....
Last edited by AleC20; Dec 24, 2012 at 07:08 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by AleC20 View Post
or more simple, if he rage quits, give the tc to the other finalist, thats a simple solution, and easy to do...

this will encourage farm. the problem is ragequiters, not tc.
I also said, if you check below, (but if its not a final, then ban the other guy or add a penalty....)
or simply ban the guy in any case, if they instead of playing want to rage quit, then just ban them, toribash is a game, and if you dont play, then go some place else.... thats what i think...
Last edited by AleC20; Dec 24, 2012 at 10:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump