I loved the intro and the song was awesome. 9.5/10

\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
I started out during the intro thinking that 'this sounds alright' but i found myself disliking it more and more as it went on, the vocals especially, although it goes together very well with the sound as a whole i basically dont like the style at all.


This one had the opposite reaction from me, didnt like it at first, but liked it the more i heard.
Im not totally sold on them just yet, but i think that it might grow on me, further investigation required.

Long ass song, but i never once got bored.
Okay, so, I have never heard of Astra yet I managed to spare 17 minutes of my time to listen to the song. And, I have to say that while listening to it, I was in my own little world. It was a truly psychedelic experience. I'll have to look at more of their stuff. Haha, I feel really relaxed xD
10/10 - Rated ten due to the consisitent feel of the song.