Name: spitfire123ism

Belt: 3rd Dan Black belt, (i also have an alt account who is a brown belt)

Bans, infractions, or warnings: When i was new to the forums i got an infraction for an useless post.And i received one recently but i forger what it was for, on the infraction page thing it says private.

Past clans and why you left them: I've been in Fyre for a while, i have rejoined multiple times and quit multiple times as well.The reason i quit was because Fyre was extremely inactive.

Anyone you know in this clan: I don't know anyone

Why do you want us: I want an active clan, a clan that looks like it has a decent amount of activity. This clan looks really cool.

Why should we want you: I'm pretty active, i would be really useful in clan wars because i'm really good at akido and akido bd

Best mods: Akido,Akido bd and spar

worst mods: twinswords, and judo

At least 150 words about yourself: joined toribash on November 4, 2011. I play toribash at least 6 times a week, I also check the forums daily. My specialties are Aikido, Aikido big Dojo and basically anything that's related to aikido. i can spar decently. I like to try a little bit of every mod, i don't just stick to 1. Winning means nothing to me, i just play for fun. I hate rage quitters and i do not harass people like " wow you fucking noob really shoveling?" i try to be as polite as i can and i also care a lot about grammar. Unless i'm posting from a mobile device, because i can't type on phones or ipods. (Sorry for my bad grammar, i did this application in a hurry)

[U]3 replays : Most of these are from a while back, maybe a year or so.
Attached Files
Spitfire destruction.rpl (248.4 KB, 3 views)
Spitfire-Decap-omatic.rpl (47.0 KB, 3 views)
decap3.rpl (41.0 KB, 4 views)
decap2.rpl (41.3 KB, 5 views)
R.I.P Sean (bobsanders147) i'll miss you man, we all love you and miss you.
Originally Posted by spitfire123ism View Post
Name: spitfire123ism

Belt: 3rd Dan Black belt, (i also have an alt account who is a brown belt)

Bans, infractions, or warnings: When i was new to the forums i got an infraction for an useless post.And i received one recently but i forger what it was for, on the infraction page thing it says private.

Past clans and why you left them: I've been in Fyre for a while, i have rejoined multiple times and quit multiple times as well.The reason i quit was because Fyre was extremely inactive.

Anyone you know in this clan: I don't know anyone

Why do you want us: I want an active clan, a clan that looks like it has a decent amount of activity. This clan looks really cool.

Why should we want you: I'm pretty active, i would be really useful in clan wars because i'm really good at akido and akido bd

Best mods: Akido,Akido bd and spar

worst mods: twinswords, and judo

At least 150 words about yourself: joined toribash on November 4, 2011. I play toribash at least 6 times a week, I also check the forums daily. My specialties are Aikido, Aikido big Dojo and basically anything that's related to aikido. i can spar decently. I like to try a little bit of every mod, i don't just stick to 1. Winning means nothing to me, i just play for fun. I hate rage quitters and i do not harass people like " wow you fucking noob really shoveling?" i try to be as polite as i can and i also care a lot about grammar. Unless i'm posting from a mobile device, because i can't type on phones or ipods. (Sorry for my bad grammar, i did this application in a hurry)

[U]3 replays : Most of these are from a while back, maybe a year or so.

Yes from me
@Pair: Is it true that Twerk owes 100k to TGS? I've been checking our thread and it seems like that may be the case.

@spitfire123ism: Yes from me. Fyre was a great clan back in 2011 and if you stay active in apex then I'm sure you'll love it just as much.

You 2 both got two yes votes. So...

Spitfire123ism invited
Pair invited
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Originally Posted by spitfire123ism View Post
Name: spitfire123ism

Belt: 3rd Dan Black belt, (i also have an alt account who is a brown belt)

Bans, infractions, or warnings: When i was new to the forums i got an infraction for an useless post.And i received one recently but i forger what it was for, on the infraction page thing it says private.

Past clans and why you left them: I've been in Fyre for a while, i have rejoined multiple times and quit multiple times as well.The reason i quit was because Fyre was extremely inactive.

Anyone you know in this clan: I don't know anyone

Why do you want us: I want an active clan, a clan that looks like it has a decent amount of activity. This clan looks really cool.

Why should we want you: I'm pretty active, i would be really useful in clan wars because i'm really good at akido and akido bd

Best mods: Akido,Akido bd and spar

worst mods: twinswords, and judo

At least 150 words about yourself: joined toribash on November 4, 2011. I play toribash at least 6 times a week, I also check the forums daily. My specialties are Aikido, Aikido big Dojo and basically anything that's related to aikido. i can spar decently. I like to try a little bit of every mod, i don't just stick to 1. Winning means nothing to me, i just play for fun. I hate rage quitters and i do not harass people like " wow you fucking noob really shoveling?" i try to be as polite as i can and i also care a lot about grammar. Unless i'm posting from a mobile device, because i can't type on phones or ipods. (Sorry for my bad grammar, i did this application in a hurry)

[U]3 replays : Most of these are from a while back, maybe a year or so.

Yes from me

Idk how many u need im not the leader lol
You just need 2 "yes" votes, zero "no" votes, and a recruiter+ to invite you.
_________________.( MindStorm )._________________
I'm the leader of this pretty cool clan called Apex.
IRC is love, IRC is life. Hit me up on the #Apex channel!
Wanna help feed my ego? Join my fan club!
Are you awesome? Apply for Apex.
Lol you guy's responded really fast. Thank you for accepting me
R.I.P Sean (bobsanders147) i'll miss you man, we all love you and miss you.
Name: Anthony
Belt: Black

Bans, infractions, or warnings: 1 Ban

Past clans and why you left them: Ink (KidInk got banned and was going down hill) Drugged (disbanded)

Anyone you know in this clan: Well I was playing with seffy and MindStormMand

Why do you want us: Well it's active, I like clans that war a lot and is very skilled

Why should we want you: I'm pretty good in-game I guess. I'll post a lot more once I get some tc. I usually do replays or market.

Best mods: Aikido related mods, Mushu/Wushu related mods, Ninjutso, and rk-mma

worst mods: Some "fun mods" and

At least 150 words about yourself:
I made my account August 2012. I was new to the game so I didn't really know what to do. I had played like 5 games and then I wasn't really into it. After about 2 months I actually started to play and really liked it. Within the first month I was a brown belt and was still really bad. I would hold a lot. Then once I became black belt is when I started practicing with really high leveled and ranked belts so I became advanced really fast. So I've been playing ever since then.
Your usercard:

Hmmm...I cant decide. Im glad you showed honesty in your ban but you did get banned.

In the,is,a, YES!