Originally Posted by 4kid View Post
What if you have to urgently go?you leave your doll inbetween a match,confirm lose,there is'nt a halfway playing afk thing so you have to wait till next match till afk.If player is op,
they can force enter you and keep winning you.

try to read this
Originally Posted by snob View Post
okay look from this point. the whole objective is to get rid of ragequiters as simple way as possible, since it's rather easy to implement. i have no other idea to make it as simple and effective as ragequit penalty.

there are only 2 conditions to trigger penalty:
1) finals
2) quit/spec/relog/lost connection.

whoever will start to complain about "i had to walk my dog and quit suddenly or what if my cnnection got booted or electricity lost, i'm not guilty! " you are not, but stop being so egocentric. if penalty solution will stop 98% of ragequiters and 2% will be victims of internet connection/situation etc, it's more then great.

when you have a phone call when you play dark souls and some dark spirit invade you do you complain about the game?

Noob quitting problem
I've lost a ton of TC today because noobs quit when you get past their one move and are actually going actually beat them. When I should have won TC, they quit and it moved on to the next match. My idea is that if the other player quits mid-match and you are winning, it counts it as a win and you get the TC. If you are losing, it moves on as usual.
Nop, nop nop nop. It would lead to new ways to farm.
People will post other reasons why it's not a good idea below.

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User was warned for this post. ~firebolty
Last edited by firebolty; Feb 19, 2013 at 08:58 PM.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Part if that isn't a bad idea.

If the person quits, he/she should incur a loss, but not vice versa and not receiving TCs.

Edit: By loss, I mean loss of rank, not of TCs.
Last edited by Deuteria; Feb 17, 2013 at 12:36 AM.
Yes, Possibly a fine for quitting mid-game but you shouldn't get an award.
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
Anti Toruney-Ragequiters
Sometimes when i'm playing tourneys with someone at the end and winning he quits the game and i don't get the TC!
There should be something like even if he quits his character is still in tourney till the dq or end of time.

edit : subject name should be different. It's strange...
Pig may be haxed
lots of people say that will make a new way to farm TC,
but what about quiters lose TC, winner don't get TC to perevent farming, or ragequiter autoban from ingame for a 12/24 hours but its harder to code.
but then people will unplug their routers to ping, maybe only a ban from that server and the other guy gets the TC. i guess it would be kinda hard for people to farm tourneys with only 2 clients running, as they would both have to get to the final without losing for it to work. or just have 8 laptops around them all playing TB
'David will do what David does. Love it or ask for a refund' ~Korban3, Overgrowth Secret Preorder Forum
Or just 2 people with 2-3 tab's of tb on.
There is alway's a way to farm.
It's just about impossible to stop it.
...... ah boy.. if person ragequit he get penalty. the other finalist get nothing. this will make farming way harder