to bad it doesn't work for multy player
Part of the [Revolution]
doesent appear to other peaple in multiplayer!
could you repost the tga converter page plz? It doesn't work anymore
every ten seconds I kill 7 puppies. The only way to prevent this is by clicking this savin' puppies
SgtBeans, unless you're using paint, you wont need it: in gimp and photoshop you can save as .tga without using a converter.

emaxxx, your post was made like last year but i guess i might still answer. By using a fake player folder he means you make a new folder under custom, name it something like "magixispoewrfullyawesome" and put your stuff in there. Then, when you go to toribash singleplayer, type /lp 0 magixispoewrfullyawesome and woala, you see the textures.
About the trails part, make sure they're named "trail_l_arm; trail_r_arm; trail_l_leg; trail_r_leg".
Whoop Whoop
ya I just realized but now it just won't work. I'm using photoshop and everything seems to work well: I convert it to .tga, I put it in either my or uke's custom folder (uncompressed) named properly. But it just doesn't show up for me
no one knows what to do and I have no way to model my text sets
every ten seconds I kill 7 puppies. The only way to prevent this is by clicking this savin' puppies
Make a completely different folder. Name it "testtest" (something very unique so you know there doesn't exist a player with that name), put the files there. Ingame, type /lp 0 testtest

- Make sure the .tga is uncompressed. Make sure the filesize is 128*128. Make sure the names are EXACTLY right (l_biceps and not l_bicep etc)..

I explained it in detail in http://forums.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=63013 .
Last edited by Magix; Feb 7, 2009 at 07:31 PM.
Whoop Whoop
Originally Posted by Magix View Post
Make a completely different folder. Name it "testtest" (something very unique so you know there doesn't exist a player with that name), put the files there. Ingame, type /lp 0 testtest

- Make sure the .tga is uncompressed. Make sure the filesize is 128*128. Make sure the names are EXACTLY right (l_biceps and not l_bicep etc)..

I explained it in detail in http://forums.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=63013 .

you can use a better resolution if you want
Are joints still texturable? I can't seem to texture joints anymore even though I can load some of my old sets I had textured joints for and those work fine.
/set gr 0 0 -30