You should have to say it that much, My bot has lagged once it took 10 second to op me but i only said it once.
dont abuse it <<<< loling
oh and i forgot to say, on my r4ff bot edit the serversetting.txt, Send is set as /* not /set * so you can send all comands not just the set commnds.

dont forget that the Send button does the same it isnt /set * it is /* * implies all commands

updated to?
If you gave me suggestions.. :/
how to download? it no workin i put the app in scripts folder and lciked it to open and its says its missn a file
Last edited by LostWorld; Jul 26, 2010 at 02:36 PM.
Fan club
on.toribash advertising space here, pm me lol(75tc per week i haggle)
Extract it to any folder
Run it


Makesure you have the .net 3.5 runtimes (google)
Hmmm, a suggestion....
uhh could you make a spam detection
including the bot itself if its spamming
that way it prevents flood kicks