Original Post
[GM]Head Texture Of The Month 1.

Attention artists of the Toribash community! We have come up with an event to revitalize art and to restore it to it's glory days. We hope that this event, that is catered to the many aspiring artists and known artists alike, will help to bring back the spark that it has lost. Please join us in trying to rekindle this spark - and enjoy ourselves along the way, of course!

Imagine a monthly event, where you’re given a certain theme to think about. Over the course of almost a month, you work using this theme to create an amazing head texture. The artist who creates the texture deemed to be the best fit by the judging criteria receives a 512x512 Head Texture Item + 30k TC + 4ST. Here’s the best part, all participants retain ownership of their submissions and can sell them after the event! Now, stop imagining. You don’t need to, because this is a reality! Welcome to the Head Texture of the Month competition!

- The winner will receive a 512x512 Head Texture Item + 30,000 Toricredits + 4 Shiai Tokens + Be featured in every Head Texture of the Month event following.
-As an optional prize, the winner will also be given the choice of creating the next month’s banner and thread art.
- All notable submissions will be happily advertised in the original post of the following month’s thread with the artists credited.
-If you’re looking to establish yourself as an artist in the Toribash community, here’s your chance for publicity!

- Plagiarism is bad. It isn’t a matter of if we find out, it’s about when we find out. Don’t try your luck.
- If your submission looks like a joke, it will be completely ignored.
-A rough Sketch or WIP is required in order to prove that this is a head in progress and not a pre-made head that you are reposting.
-Do not submit old textures.
-Only 1 submission per month.
-Submissions must be in 512x512 resolution or higher.
-No Copy/Paste art allowed.

The submission process is simple. You have time until the 25th day of every month to post your entries.
Post your watermarked flats in this thread with spherical previews.
To ensure the head is properly judged, please make your previews for the head clear, and show all aspects of the head.
This is important if you want to have the best chance at winning. Try to keep watermarks non-intrusive, while still deterring people from stealing.
You are encouraged to post frequent WIPs, just make sure to verify in your post what the final product is.
At least one WIP is required to ensure this is a
new head that you are creating, not a pre-made or stolen head.

After the 25th day of every month, the submission window is closed and judging begins.
Your entries will be judged, based on these criteria:
-How well the idea fits the theme
-Uniqueness - think outside the box, it could be the difference between winning and losing.
-Execution of the idea

Once the judges have decided on a winner, a post will be made announcing the artist who won.
The post will also include CnC of other’s work to let the artists know what to improve on and what they did right.
The entries will be judged by The GM Team.

Kicking this monthly competition off, the theme will be:
Basically, two ideas that conflict one another; color vs. the absence of color, fire and water/ice, old vs. new.
This theme allows for a whole lot of creativity, so let the creativity flow arround you.

Deadline: 25th of January, 20:00 GMT+0

*Credit to Gbleek and pouffywall for their contributions to the event
*Credits to Kris for the art
Last edited by Marci6; Jan 25, 2016 at 11:58 AM. Reason: Better Credit :3
Nope it will be on another thread

we are also voting still please be patient
So guys and girls

Im here to announce the Winner

Which is the one and only Calamity for making a beautiful high quality and well themed head texture!

But Every month we going to have 1 honourable mention who will win some prize for his creativity and effort and this month its ThePirateking for the most original idea!

Prizes gonna be sent soon and stay tuned for next month

If you would like to receive the CnC we promised pm me and i send u all of them
Last edited by Marci6; Feb 4, 2016 at 06:30 PM.
Muchos congrats!

JollyR ftw!
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
This months entries where a little lacking...

tpk and calamity are the only ones who did pretty good... still no perfect head submitted :c
maybe we'll get some legendary ones next time round :v

really excited for the next theme!
Congrats calamity and tpk, amazing work!
Last edited by Rogue; Feb 5, 2016 at 08:38 AM.