Originally Posted by Beep View Post
Is there anywhere where you can post move tutorials

<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by Beep View Post
yeah, but there are no tutorials on how to run

Don't you get the point already? Nobody wants to post them, nobody is allowed to post them.

And in the end it's no fun following a tutorial. Yes, you get a replay where you run but did you really make it yourself? No, you just pressed the joints people told you to press.

You're better off following general tips (like mine in the previous page) and trying to run yourself - then you can really say that you made a running replay.
Whoop Whoop
yeah, and beep, you didn't asked, 'Where are running tutorial?' you said, 'Is there anywhere where you can post move tutorials'. And then I showed you :P. Be more specific.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
first... sorry about the last post since i didn't pay attention to the forum and i got bug'd
now i know more...
so how about you make a tutorial about how to completely modify your character (if possible)?
metalkill, there are two ways.

1) Buy colors (ghost, dq, force, lax, grads, usertext, timer etc) from torishop -

2) Buy and use textures. Tutorial -

You can also add a custom belt once you reach 20 000 Qi.
Whoop Whoop
well to tell ya the truth i actualy just saw a topic in wich it was how to modify your textures
i made my own textures
and then i applyed them to my character
so i wonder on can i change the other remaining things
What other remaining things? Except things you can buy from torishop, there is nothing else to modify.
Whoop Whoop