Really nice tutorial
Just one question; I can't get my mod to work.. I just changed some basic stuff, named it My_mod.tbm and put it in the Mod folder and then loaded it. But everything is still unchanged..

Originally Posted by Berserk View Post
Really nice tutorial
Just one question; I can't get my mod to work.. I just changed some basic stuff, named it My_mod.tbm and put it in the Mod folder and then loaded it. But everything is still unchanged..


Make sure that you have typed everything right in your mod file. And did you use nonformatting writing-program such as Notepad?

If you can send your mod file to me, I think that I could fix it. =)

PS: Thank you guys for your comments! =)

EDIT: Woohoo!! Thank you mods/admins! You stickyed this! =)


But only for updates! =)
I have added the usage of "player" now!

Usage of "player" (not an actual function):
The "player" is not like the others, it controls all that is for players.
It has only one argument: tori or uke (red or blue player).
0 is tori, 1 is uke (0 = player on the right, 1 = player on the left).
For example:

player 0
joint l_wrist
range 100 -100

player 1
joint r_wrist
range 100 -100
^That will make tori's left hand "spinny" and it does the same thing on uke's right hand.

[Ishi:no need for double post, you can just edit it :s]
Last edited by ishi; Jul 26, 2007 at 12:38 PM.
Originally Posted by DaHandy View Post
Hi there modders! =) (Sorry for double post, but this is an update)

Usage of "force" -function:
This function is to set the actual force of joints (not same as "velocity").
This is setting up the speed vs. mass ("velocity" was only for the speed), so bigger "force" that heavier things you can lift/push (faster).
For example:

joint l_ankle
force 100

^That will make your left ankle very strong!

That is not correct. The force function is to set up the force applied at the beginning of the match to each joint or body part that it is applied to. Jousting uses this to propel the players at each other.
It is used like

joint l_ankle
force x y z
Thank you for the correction! I think that I have fixed it now! =)

EDIT: At the moment, I am wondering if there actually is a "message" -function. I searched the "toribash.exe" with hex-editor and found something like that between a few fucntions...
Somebody tell me if there is/ is not that kind of function.
Last edited by DaHandy; Jul 27, 2007 at 08:27 PM.
ermm... i've seen poptart speak about "locking" joints... so is it just simply setting range as 0 0 or something like that? cuz i thought (hoped) there was a function that makes joints unbreakable regardless of dismemtreshold.

what i need this for is my yoshimitsumod, i'd have to lock the ankle so that you can't cheat when the sword's still attached to it.

though i don't need the unbreakable attribute for that, i might be making new mods for which i'd need objects that could snap in half (if there was a function, a flag maybe, that could make a joint breakable only by instagib, for example), or who know what

EDIT: well restricting range worked ok for my mod... but if you know of such function, i'd like to know, for, as said above, future use. could that be the use of some of the flags? "undismemability"?
Last edited by Archlurps; Oct 14, 2007 at 02:56 PM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Is there a funktion like the "alt_sides" but for the position of the hand?
Last edited by Dragoner; Nov 16, 2007 at 11:53 AM.
Also, you don't have the DENSITY var. it's for the weight of a body part, but you can't use it in joints.
I've been experimenting with these codes, and i have discovered this (you can use these as tips for future works):
- don't give ANY body part a DENSITY of 0. this WILL make TB crash
- don't give ANY body part a DENSITY of above 100 (unless you'r making heavy feet)
- don't change the SHAPE of any bodypart without stating the SIDES you want it to have. else, your shape will be of 0x0 or 0x0x0, and WILL make TB crash
- don't give any part a SIDE of above 1. else it will be too big, and the game will start to lag a lot (it's ok if you have a good PC)

i don't have any other good tips for the moment
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