I don't know. In canada you can get a satisfactory card for about 100$ that can run shaders.

not sure how it runs over there
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
yes ur ram ant enoth to support all ur app
with a good graphics card and low ram the graphics card is kinda worth liss ask me
ya 1gb ram sude do it and then get a card
buy ram c what it dose it will work sure of it then buy a card and what ur cpu?

u have a 1gb ram and a 256 graphics card
it may be ur cpu 2?
You're on the right track now, the processor makes the biggest difference in FPS. Unless your running shaders graphics hardware makes next to no difference (maybe 5-10 fps at most) and anything over 512meg ram makes almost no difference.

Even a smelly old P4 should manage 25-40 fps. Does it improve if you leave the game running for a few minutes? (TB runs slow when it starts)

I personally think there's something chewing your processor in the background.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
will try to leave the game for few minutes..
my windows its pretty full.. didnt reinstall it for months should i try that too?