where it is?

Can you explain me by pictures?

Posts merged. Do not double post.
Last edited by Tonakai; Jan 18, 2010 at 07:56 AM. Reason: Double post.

guys .. plz explain me .. i'm new

i open the game ---> free play ---> press enter ---> write type /opt reflection 1 ??

Posts merged. Do not triple post.
Last edited by Tonakai; Jan 18, 2010 at 07:55 AM. Reason: Triple post.
When in Free Play, press Enter... Then, type /opt reflections 1 .

Also, do not double post, or triple post, or anything related to those.
I have merged the posts for now, but next time when I see you double/triple posting, you will get reported.
if you gfx chard doesnt support shaders, download the latest driver for it and try.
I can ride my bike with no handlebars.
i did .. but it didn't the shaders
plz help
there is any progrems to download?
Last edited by b00dy; Jan 18, 2010 at 08:21 AM.
its NOT THAT HARD, if u like, i wil post pictures on how to press a button in the options menu

or your GRAPHICS CARD can't HANDLE shaders
WhY L1V3 L1F3 SrSlY. N0 0N3 M4K3S 1T 0UT 4L1V3 4NYW4Y. >.<